The address is the way to enter the blockchain universe.

With premine available for everybody.
Premine coins at the cost of the first block.
Finally all participants play with the same rules, during the premine phase everyone can benefit and get their coins at the first cost of mining, regardless of how many blocks are mined.
Easy premine process
Create Wetcoin Wallet
Register at
Fill in mining form
Send Bitcoins
Receive Wetcoins when premine ends.

Wetcoin: the most liquid cryptocurrency.
Providing liquidity to the markets.
The system for generating new Wetcoins is by mining online through, where miners can contract the power for the number of blocks they want. Contrary to what happens with Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies where mining equipment and a long payback period, the system allows anyone to mine their Wetcoin without equipment or power consumption. It is also a great advantage, while it is a great value for money, with a lot of money, it does not change to the value of the currency, with the benefits of revert to the value. of the Wetcoin in the market.

For Sellers
The creators will be able to offer their work through the marketplace and increase their visibility in front of potential buyers.

For Buyers
Buyers can easily access a wide range of market designed for cryptocencies with very low transaction costs.
Get your own cryptocurrency. Today it is very easy to make your own cryptocurrency, hundreds of people and small groups, but small projects have a little chance of succeeding. In terms of their place of spending, resources in creating a cryptocurrency, why not join a large number of stakeholders and create a cryptocurrency with a large base of creators? and in this way generate a strong market wherein all of their members and multiplies their effectiveness. Is it better to own a small part of a cryptocurrency or an entire account of unknown tokens? This is the Wetcoin philosophy and the objective of the marketplace. A decentralized marketplace,
Since a blockchain-based marketplace removes intermediaries, all transactions are traceable on public ledgers, demonstrating high level of security and transparency.
Marketplace escrow service.
An escrow service holds the buyer's money until the buyer receives and inspects the item. Once the buyer inspects the item, the service releases payment to the seller. If there is a problem with the item, the buyer can reject the item and return it to the seller.
By joining a blockchain marketplace, producers, sellers, and consumers, they can interact with their own rules and regulations imposed by third parties.
Wetcoin is designed for the community of art and digital content creators, writers, photographers, filmmakers, painters, teachers, digital artists, etc. That will help promote the marketplace.
Our roadmap helps us share what we're working on next and the direction that we're taking this project in.
Concept, Design and Research
On the first quarter 2018. Conception of the project, design of different infrastructures. Design of the web
Objectives of the concept phase achieved
Q1 2018
Project start-up.
On the second quarter and the third quarter 2018. Marketplace architecture development. Launch of the web. The initial phase of the creation of the wetcoin: Design of the virtual online mining process. Creation of the Wetcoin tokens on the bitshares blockchain.
Objectives of the project phase achieved
Q2-Q3 2018
The project goes live
On the fourth quarter 2018. Launch of the premining of Wetcoin. The development of the marketplace continues at Until March 27, 2019 interested parties can participate in the same conditions.
The project is actively developing.
Q4 2018
Launch of Wetcoin
On the first quarter 2019. On March 27, 2019 the Wetcoin will be officially launched.
The project is developing and growing actively.
Q1 2019
Improvements for the future
The platform is active. We will try to develop improvements that promote the use of the marketplace and the use of the Wetcoin worldwide.
And many new developments will continue:
The greatest difficulty in bringing users to paying for cryptocurrencies is the lack of a simple system that supports payment in cryptocurrencies and acts as a gateway between FIAT and digital money in a simple way for the end user. The development or incorporation of a usable payment system for the end user will be a great step forward in the development of the Wetcoin.
The value of the cryptocurrency is given by the community that uses it wants to give it. A token It is a collective will and strength that lies in the intangible value of the members of the members of the community. The goods that can be exchanged for the goods, they are digital goods, other tokens, other cryptocurrencies or any other good, thanks to the willingness to get them, turn token into a store of value.
The stipulation is a minimum value that can be a photo, a video, a gram of gold, etc. guarantees that there is always exchange of value, serving in this case the token as a store of wealth. If this is possible, it is a community of users who have assets, the possibility of using a single token that is shared by a large number of groups that greatly increases the capacity to store future value in the token. If the token is also linked to the evolution of bitcoin, using it as the base for growth and issuing new tokens, a very stable ecosystem is created, with great capacity for growth in the future.
With a community that works for development and a deposit of wealth, and thanks to the firm commitment to reinvest the benefits in the same system, a self-feeding system is created, which can only grow. Since the genesis is open, it will open up the different types of common base projects. the set of projects and the growth of the community.
This makes it different from any other project that can be found now in development. The inter-related economy of the set of users with the real economy provides benefits in terms of the value of the token, and this intangible value material in the long term with an increase in value.;u=1914603;sa=forumProfile


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