CARDONIO - Leading Payment Card

Hello everyone, in this new post I want to introduce the Cardonio project, and for more details let's just go to the following discussion:

What is Cardonio?

Cardonio is a cutting edge payment card that is about to be the must-have item for each holder of Bitcoin and/or Ether Cryptocurrencies. additionally it's perfectly suited to anyone who spends cash in foreign currency round the world. Primarily designed as an answer for those within the Cryptocurrency community, what makes Cardonio such an exciting and unique chance is that card holders are in a position to secure instant lines of credit using nothing quite their existing Crypto holdings as security.

Fundamentally, there are 2 teams of customers for whom Cardonio has been built:

The first are Cryptocurrency holders: Providing a solution that allows them to buy in crypto anyplace within the world in the most convenient and price effective manner.

The second are fiat-only customers: Providing an answer that enables them to pay in foreign currency anyplace within the world eliminating the requirement for excessive fees traditionally charged by banks and alternative financial establishments.

How Cardonio Works
  1. Bitcoin, Ethereum, Ripple, Bitcoin Cash, Litecoin, Tether, Monero, NEO, DASH, Cardano are supported with Cardano card at a credit rate of 60%.
  2. The exact purchase amount via Cardonio Card are exchanged in real-time from either ETH/BTC. this may take place the very moment the card is swiped in either an ATM or POS payment gateway, with the remaining balance securely keep in the customers personal wallet to that only they have access.
  3. Cardonio card bills are issued monthly and settlement is due within 90 days of purchase. There's no obligation to repay the outstanding balance as a result of your crypto is used to secure the rescript purchases. Any crypto not used as security against purchases is accessible to withdraw from the system 24/7. At the end of the 90 day billing cycle our system automatically settles client accounts and releases the outstanding crypto balance.
Features of Cardonio card
  • Providing the general public with the prospect to make purchases via Ether or Bitcoin using a physical card almost like that of a standard credit/debt account.
  • Create purchases where traditional credit/debt cards are accepted - Accepted each online and for traditional POS card payments.
  • The subtle difference between Cardonio card and therefore the manner people have traditionally used credit cards is that (behind the scenes) the precise purchase amount via Cardonio Card are exchanged in real-time from either ETH/BTC. This can ensue the terribly moment the card is swiped in either associate ATM or POS payment entrance, with the remaining balance firmly hold on in the customers personal notecase to that only they need access.
  • Exchange cash at perfect interbank exchange rates using the Cardonio mobile App
  • Relish constant excellent interbank rates whenever a purchase is formed using Cardonio Card
  • Send money from Cardonio App in 23 currencies and from 120 countries worldwide for free
  • Sending cash between Cardonio App users isn't only free, it's real-time. the cash sent will be instantly offered on the receiver’s Cardonio Card.
Where we can use Cardonio Card
  • Spending in foreign currency while traveling abroad
  • Shopping online in foreign currency
  • International money transfers
  • Splitting bills / paying back friends
  • Paying suppliers / contractors / merchants in foreign currency
  • CFGT Token
Cardonio (CFGT) is a ERC20 Ethereum token.

Token Sale
The Token Sale was begun on August 15th 2018

You can find out more about the platform or participate in their crowd sales through the following links:


Bitcointak username: busem


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